Comfort Kitchen tv

Lumpia Filipino Egg Rolls


One of my all-time favorite finger foods is Lumpia (pronounced: loom-pē-yuh). Whenever I get the opportunity to eat these crispy, yummy egg rolls, it always brings back fond memories of my childhood. Lumpia is a cross between Chinese and Spanish flavors. The fusion of these ingredients are what makes Filipino cuisine so unique and delicious! Lumpia is served mainly on […]

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Tonkatsu – Japanese Fried Pork Cutlet

Japanese love their comfort food too! On our recent trip to Osaka, it couldn’t be more evident. Around every corner is a small restaurant, at times so small that there are no chairs. Just long, high tables where you eat standing up. “Eat and Go” appears to be the trend. In these establishments, efficiency of space and time is the important. […]

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