Comfort Kitchen tv



Sinigang (Pronunciation: see-nee-gong) is a Filipino soup or stew characterized by its sour and savory taste most often associated with tamarind. It is one of the more popular dishes in Philippine cuisine, and is related to the Malaysian dish singgang. (Source: Wikipedia)

In our sinigang, we use lemon instead of tamarind. Both are great and it just depends on your taste. We prefer lemon not only for the taste, but also lemons are readily available at your local grocery store.

This dish is best served with fresh steamed white rice. What I like to do is take a spoon of rice and dip it in my bowl of sinigang.

Fish sauce is an amber-colored liquid extracted from the fermentation of fish with sea salt. It is used as a condiment in various cuisines. Fish sauce is a staple ingredient in numerous cultures in Southeast Asia and the coastal regions of East Asia, and features heavily in Burmese, Cambodian, Filipino, Thai, Lao, and Vietnamese cuisines. It also was a major ingredient in ancient European cuisine, but is no longer commonly used in those regions. Filipinos call it Patis (pateese). And it gives south east asian food that unique delicious flavor. You can find fish sauce in most asian grocery stores.



We hope you give this recipe a try! Thanks for watching our video!

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